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What’s Covered Under a Business Owners Policy (BOP)?

A BOP provides essential commercial coverages in one single policy. Commercial Property insurance, Commercial General Liability insurance, and other critical coverages, such as Business Interruption, Equipment Breakdown, Building Contents, and the Personal Property of others. Options for further coverage may include protection for improvements you have made to a space you lease, your outdoor signage, employee crime, money and securities, specialty equipment, and special liability risks you may face. It all depends on your business sector, the risks you face, and the coverage you choose.



A BOP does not cover Professional Liability, Auto insurance (liability coverage for non-autos may be available), Workers’ Compensation, or Health and Disability insurance. You’ll need separate insurance policies to cover professional services, vehicles, and your employees. Preferred can secure these insurance products for you, as well. Purchasing a BOP offers businesses a way to save money while getting broad coverage for common exposures such as fire, theft, lawsuits and loss of income.

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