Minimizing Accidents in Transportation Fleets

The trucking and transportation industry is the backbone of our country, delivering goods throughout the nation each day. Spending so much time on the road, however, inevitably increases the risk of accidents. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at the accident prevention and risk management strategies that transportation businesses can take to minimize loss and injury on the road. In turn, your Transportation Insurance premium costs can be minimized and enhance your bottom line.

Road tests.

Training employees on how to handle potential road conditions is the first step in managing loss. Rigorous road tests require prospective employees to show you their skills in the field. It’s been proven that companies that conduct a two-hour sessions have fewer accidents on the road.

Control fatigue.

A struggling economy and global competition have put trucking companies under pressure to get their products to market faster and cheaper. However, tragic accidents in the last few years have drawn attention to driver fatigue as one of the leading causes of accidents, resulting in new hours-of-service (HOS) rules for truckers. Make sure you’re aware of the hours of service guidelines and control your drivers’ time on the road.

Defensive driving training.

Controlling a semitruck requires skill and experience. A defensive driving course, coupled with a strictly enforced safe driving program, can minimize accidents, injuries, and death.

Hire qualified drivers.

This goes without saying, but ensure your new hires are well-qualified and have clean driving records. A simple and quick background check can raise any potential red flags you might have about the driver’s past, experience and driving record.

Ban technology behind the wheel.

Using a phone to call or text while on the road immediately increases their risk of getting into an accident. Things happen quickly on highways, so your drivers need to be alert and aware at all times. Ensure you enforce a strict ban on technology while driving unless it’s hands free. If you do require the use of technology while driving to send location signals or updates, require that your drivers do so when they come to a complete stop in a safe area.

About Preferred Insurance

At Preferred Insurance, we specialize in providing quality insurance solutions that are tailored to your specific needs. We pride ourselves on working with you to give you the coverage you need at a price you can afford. For more information about our business line products and services, contact our experts today at (888) 943-5144.