Evaluating Roofing Safety Hazards

Roofing is a profession that’s riddled with dangers. Not unlike other contractor positions, roofers are subject to countless risks each day, including fall hazards, slips, dangerous weather, and more. In this article, we’ll explore the common roofing safety hazards that are faced by these experts each day and how to mitigate them. Most importantly, secure your operation with a Roofers Insurance policy.

According to Buildings Facilities Management, roofs aren’t designed for constant foot traffic, yet inspections and repairs require workers to tread lightly across membranes and metal panels. Many roof accidents involve trips or falls from heights that result in hundreds of deaths annually and scores of other non-fatal injuries.

Here the other common dangers:

  • Ladders: Residential roofing requires professionals to climb ladders to access the roof. Before climbing ladders, ensure the feet are secured to an even surface.
  • Electrical risk: Solar panels, electrical lines, power lines and HVAC systems can be threats to roofers. Evaluate the equipment near the roof before beginning work.
  • Chemicals and biohazards: There’s a high potential that employees might breathe in or touch toxins, such as asbestos or lead, when dealing with roofing materials. This can also include biological materials such as rodent and bird droppings.
  • Natural elements: Extreme cold and heat can take a severe toll on roofers. Being exposed to the elements for long periods of time increases their chances of dehydration, heat stroke, frostbite, and more.
  • Debris: Roofs can contain broken branches, bird nests, leaves, and more that cause tripping and slipping hazards.
  • Slips: Working year-round means working through ice, rain and snow. These conditions naturally cause the roof to be slippery, even on flat roofs.


About Preferred Insurance

At Preferred Insurance, we specialize in providing quality solutions that are tailored to your specific needs. We specialize in small to medium sized roofing businesses within our community and pride ourselves on giving you the coverage and peace of mind you need. We’re more than an insurance company, we are your dedicated professional partner who seeks to steer you in the right direction. For more information about our business line products and services, contact our experts today at (888) 943-5144.