Building a Strong Company Culture in Your Small Business

People stay at jobs and just as quickly leave jobs, for company culture. Developing a positive environment is critical, even more so if you’re a small business. One study reports that 94% of entrepreneurs (yes, that’s you small business owners) and 88% of job seekers believe that a healthy work culture is vital for success? It’s also been reported that 69% of employees would work harder if they felt appreciated by their employers. But you might be wondering how to achieve the company culture you want. You’re a small business owner without the resources to invest thousands of dollars towards company programs, so how can you develop the right culture? Try these tips.

Set the Tone

As the owner, your employees will look to you to set the tone for everything from healthy work habits to dealing with customers. Owners and managers should embody the values they wish to see within their company and your culture is no different. Make it clear what you expect from your employees and lead by example. Model an inclusive approach and have a positive attitude when dealing with customers and others and you’ll find a positive culture will begin to form around you.

Make Open Communication a Regular Occurrence

It can be tough to keep up constant communication in certain work settings. According to one study, 86% of employees blame company failures on a lack of communication and three out of four employees feel like they are missing out on key information. Make sure you take the time to provide news and updates to all of your employees. 

It’s also important to foster open communications by encouraging employees to provide honest feedback by doing the following.

  • •Make time for one-on-one meetings to give employees a chance to discuss their concerns. 

  • •Reward, don’t punish, honest feedback.

  • •Be transparent with your communications.

  • •Promote conversations by letting employees know you’re available to talk anytime issues arise. 

  • •Be an active listener and follow up with employees about concerns. 

Recognize Your Employees

We all like to be appreciated and showing your employees that you value their work is a huge stride towards crafting a positive company culture. Take the time to recognize achievements and celebrate both small and large milestones. 

Remember, you don’t have to break the bank with your recognition. Doing something like giving a free lunch on their work anniversary or even sending a group text shout out to an employee who went above and beyond will speak volumes.

Encourage Work-Life Balance

We all need to set boundaries and define a healthy balance between work and personal life. When possible, offer flexible hours or remote work options and encourage employees to take time off when needed. Happy employees are more productive and efficient.

Avoid Micromanagement

It can be difficult to let go of overseeing everything. It is, after all, your business and your livelihood. But micromanagement creates feelings of distrust and ultimately damages your company’s culture. When possible, involve employees in the decision-making process and give them a chance to contribute ideas and be a player in your company’s success. 

Create an Inclusive Environment 

An inclusive environment lets everyone know they belong, regardless of their background or identity. When you foster inclusion, your employees feel valued for their opinions. Additionally, People Management reports that diverse teams are 87% better at making decisions. That’s a win-win!

Enable Growth and Learning

Stagnation is the killer of innovation. Employees want to feel like they are growing and achieving at your company. If you can, provide opportunities for improvement and learning, even it this means recommending a free course and paying employees for their time. Growth and learning are critical for workplace happiness. 

Have Some Fun

Don’t be afraid to have some fun. At the end of the day, we all need to let loose sometimes and doing that with your employees can help create camaraderie and build positive working relationships. Consider informal gatherings or activities that might help your employees bond, boost morale, and reduce stress.

Be Ready to Adapt

Modern workplaces are a far cry from the stiff, rigid environments that we were accustomed to seeing 20 years ago. Employees now prefer better balance and supportive cultures. You don’t have to fit your business into a set structure that isn’t working. Be creative and adapt where necessary. Employees will appreciate your dedication and adapt alongside you. 

A positive company culture is a win for everyone, creating happier employees and customers. Ultimately, your business will grow and be a better place to work.