Starting Your Business Year Off Right: 5 Ideas

As an entrepreneur and small business owner, it’s fair to say you’re an expert in your field. However, it’s impossible to know everything, and gaining insights from others is always a valuable lesson. As 2018 approaches and you start to make you business goals for the coming year, it’s time to take a hard look at your processes and your product to ensure you get the results you want. In this article, we’re going to provide 5 expertly crafted ideas that can change your business for the better, from evaluating your marketing to carrying the right DE Business Owners Policy (BOP).

Protect your business’s assets.

In this digital age, protecting your assets means more than putting a lock on your shop door. Instead, you need to invest in cyber security systems that can prevent your business from becoming a breach statistic. Not only does this damage your reputation, it will cost you thousands (if not more) in damages.

Suit up.

We’re not talking about a fancy outfit. Suiting up your business with the right insurance policies not only gives you more credibility in your customer’s eyes, it ensures your business can continue if a hiccup happens along the way, which is inevitable at some point. Speak with your trusted representative to make sure your business is actually carrying effective and relevant policies, even if you’re just a startup at the moment.

Gather insight.

Social media groups and social media platforms aren’t just for connecting and networking. They’re a treasure trove of content ideas you can use for a focus group when you have new ideas you want to validate.

“[Social media] groups are a constant source of new topic ideas,” explains Ken McDonald, Chief Growth Officer of TeamSnap, to Small Business Trends. “By simply joining the conversation in several groups, you’ll see what common questions and topics that are relevant to your business.”

Start a conversation and engage.

When it comes to your content marketing strategy, it requires more than just posting blogs on social platforms and walking away. In fact, if you do so, you’re missing out on opportunities to engage with your followers and start a conversation. Ask your followers questions, answer theirs, be the expert and promote comments.

Tap into your potential.

Social media has given rise to so many micro-influencers with up to 10,000 followers. If you can sell your brand to them by providing free samples and encouraging positive comments on their page, you’ve just established a lucrative partnership. The more advocates, the better.


About Preferred Insurance

At Preferred Insurance, we specialize in providing quality insurance solutions that are tailored to your specific needs. We pride ourselves on working with you to give you the coverage you need at a price you can afford. For more information about our business line products and services, contact our experts today at (888) 943-5144.